Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I wasn't able to drive to the barn for a couple of days, due to studying for my final exam. When I went to visit my girls yesterday, Bella kept stealing my car keys from my pocket. Wonder if she was trying to tell me something :D She had me laughing anyway!

pocket thief

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

water games

before I left the girls I filled up their water trough in the field. They thought it was time to play... It was fun watching how Cascara would correct Bella with a soft punch, when she started chewing the trough... and when Cascara started playing with the hose Bella copied her immediately... such clowns those girls...

Here's the link to the YouTube video:



Both girls are now together in one field and they seem to like each other a lot. It's very harmonic and both look very happy :)

Bella always comes running to greet me whenever I go visit her... and Cascara decided to follow, though she was more interested in the gelding in the other field ;)

time for some cuddles :)

trying to take pictures of us :D

my two girls... I had a hard time getting a picture of the two of them, because they kept following me...

cuties :)

two thirsty girls...