Tuesday, June 11, 2013

officially arrived!!!

The passports for the girls have arrived. Cascara allready had one and I only had her registered as a show horse. Bella had to have a new one issued. Since she wasn't bread in Germany, hers is green. Here are some pictures:
Bella's new passport

It's official, Bella's immigrated :)

and she's officially registered as show horse too!

She will never ever end up as somebody's meal!!!!

once more made sure, that she won't end up at slaughter...
Cascara has the same clauses in her passport.

Besitzer = Owner = me :)

Cascara is officially registered as show horse too!!!

grass, grass, grass...

Last Wednesday we moved to a new barn. Unfortunately our old one turned out to be quit a mess. Broken bridges, deep mud, hard arena ground and terrible handling of the horses had me worried for the safety of my two girls. In addition the horses had still not been turned out on the grass by June.

When I was told about Bella  almost hanging herself due to them tying her inappropriately while mucking the stall I found a new barn and moved the girls the next day.

We didn't move far, but this time we moved to a barn, that a couple of friends had recommended to us. It doesn't have a big indoor arena, but it has a small one for lunging and a nice big outdoor arena. They have single indoor stalls and big outdoor stalls with huge paddocks for multiple horses. I though about where to place the girls. I didn't want to separate them. They love each other so much, but in the end I made the decision, that it would be best to place Cascara in an outdoor stall and Bella in an indoor stall.

Bella is still very skinny and I want her to be able to have her meals in peace and quiet in the mornings and evenings without being bothered by other horses. She's such a slow eater that I would also be afraid of her not getting enough hay in an outdoor stall with other horses. She still gets to go outside during the day every day.

Cascara is a little fatty, so she is fine in an outdoor with other horses. I can feed her her grain when I'm at the barn and she shares her hay with the other mare in her pen. They get along fine. The only downside is that Cascara and Bella scream for each other as soon as one of them spots the other. They obviously miss each other :(

Here are some pictures of Cascara being turned out in the field with Savannah for the first time...

Savannah - Cascara's new buddy


after bringing them back in from the field... the girls want to go back out.

Monday, June 10, 2013

color choice

How do you like our new halter? What do you think of our choice of color?
Bella destroyed her old halter, so I had to go get a new one. I really like yellow on a chestnut. I was looking for a yellow and black one. This was as close as I could get...

Bella in Paradise

These pictures are from almost three weeks ago. Our barn owner still hadn't opened the grass fields to the horses, so I took them out to find some grass by myself. Here are some pictures of Bella in the field we walked to. You think we found enough grass???? :D

There's something interesting in the distance...


Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I wasn't able to drive to the barn for a couple of days, due to studying for my final exam. When I went to visit my girls yesterday, Bella kept stealing my car keys from my pocket. Wonder if she was trying to tell me something :D She had me laughing anyway!

pocket thief

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

water games

before I left the girls I filled up their water trough in the field. They thought it was time to play... It was fun watching how Cascara would correct Bella with a soft punch, when she started chewing the trough... and when Cascara started playing with the hose Bella copied her immediately... such clowns those girls...

Here's the link to the YouTube video:



Both girls are now together in one field and they seem to like each other a lot. It's very harmonic and both look very happy :)

Bella always comes running to greet me whenever I go visit her... and Cascara decided to follow, though she was more interested in the gelding in the other field ;)

time for some cuddles :)

trying to take pictures of us :D

my two girls... I had a hard time getting a picture of the two of them, because they kept following me...

cuties :)

two thirsty girls...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

looking better...

still skinny, but starting to fill out a bit... these pictures are from end of last week and compared to when she arrived I think she's looking a lot better. All the feed I'm stuffing into her seems to be starting to show ;)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

so many special people :)

Thursday my friend Kathrin came and said hi to Bella. Aren't they a handsome couple? ;)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

way to nice for indoors ;)

Yesterday Cascara had her first outdoor ride. Not a trail ride but at least not an indoor arena anymore. It was just way to nice to ride indoors. Cascara was a champ! Other than a few little bucks or lets rather say popping her put in the air while cantering, she did great. It was only our second time cantering too, so no blame there.

both of us exhausted after our first outdoor session

a new set of German shoes

Bella needed some new shoes. She has needed them ever since she arrived, but because she has been so up and not settled at all I have been putting it off for as long as possible. Monday when she pulled loose and run of down the alley between our fields they finally got very loose and I couldn't wait any longer. So yesterday Christian our farrier came to say hi to her and miracolously all of a suddon Bella was her cam usual self again. She was as good as can be while getting her new set of shoes. I did bribe her a bit with a big bucket of feed infront of her, but I think even without it she would have been good, since she was more interested in what Christian was doing to her feet and what was going on outside anyway.

Christian fitting the shoes

the bribe

checking the fit - "you sure they are fancy enough for me?"

those chicken out there are so interesting...

Monday, April 22, 2013

birthday feasts day after day after day...

I'm trying to get Bella to put on weight so at the moment I think everyday is like a birthday to her... at least she is getting birthday feasts everyday... ready made up cereals and beat pulp and hay cops and hay pellets and oats and barley... and mash....

Bella enjoying a big load of beat pulp mixed with cereals

Happy 4th Birthday my gorgeous girl!

Today Bella turns 4. It's been over a year since we picked her up from Turfway, when she was only 2., ...ok almost three, but from 2 to 4 years just sounds much longer ;)

Here's one of her sale pictures that made me fall in love with her the second I saw her. I don't think I've ever fallen for a horse that fast...

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Cascara's first Canter

I've been riding Cascara for I guess about a month now. It's been an on - off thing because of holidays like Easter in between (1 1/2 weeks off) and days that I couldn't make it like when we went to pick up Bella. But I think the off times more often than less really did her well. Afterwards she's always really good at everything we learned before the time off. Not that she isn't a very quick study anyway, but it just seems like she always uses the off time to think things over and than present them like she has never been doing anything else, whenever we start back up again.

There's only one thing I hadn't had the guts to do yet all on my own: CANTER

When I first started cantering Cascara at the longe line, without a rider or anything else, she acted like she had never ever done it before getting her legs all tangled up and then getting really mad about it and exploding into all sorts of directions at once. With time she got better and better at it. And by now she's really good. Most of the time she gets the right lead and even if she doesn't she calmly corrects herself without throwing a hug fit. The only thing left is that she still likes to take of bucking if she finds a reason to, like another horse knocking his feed against the wall of his stall...

So up until now I haven't dared to canter her in the saddle without any help from somebody else and since there hadn't been anybody to help me I hadn't cantered her while riding at all.

Yesterday, when Nikola came to the barn with me I finally had the chance to do so. Cascara was so relaxed, that I even passed on having Nikola hook us up to the longe line. The only thing she had to do was help out a little bit with the long whip to get us going, since Cascara obviously didn't yet know what I wanted her to do. I'm so happy with my little girl! Here's a video of our first canter:

We also took some videos of her trotting. She didn't do her best job there yesterday because there were scary poop piles lying around in the arena. Usually our arena is very clean, but somebody
"shovel-naped" the shovel to get rid of them. So yesterday there were these scary piles lying around. Also another horse suddenly started bumping around in his stall which sent us flying... ;)

Friday, April 19, 2013

another new friend - or: it's all about who's standing next to you

Today my best friend Nikola came to the barn with me to meet Bella. We met years ago through the horse, but sadly our lives have taken us to different parts of Germany and we aren't able to keep our horses at the same barn anymore. While Bella next to me looks small to regular sized, next to her Bella looks so tall!

Unfortunately Bella's still terribly sucked up from all the stress. I wish she would settle in faster, but right now she's still very up and not her usual relaxed self. I also wish I could put hay out on the field for her, but our barn owner won't let me. So I have to do with bringing her in during the day and feeding her another extra special meal.

a new blog member

I think most of you know, that we have another young mare here in Germany, that we have owned ever since she has been a foal. She will turn 5 in July and I have only recently gotten around to start her of under saddle. I was going to start her of at 3 1/2 years of age, but then we got sent to the USA and Cascara got to enjoy some more time in the fields.

Here are some pictures of her as a foal:

At about 12 months old:

14 months:


out of proportions... ;)

16 months:


baby girl
midget girl :D

22 months old:

synchronous dancing