I know I’ve been neglecting this blog very badly. It is partly because Heart has been “out of order” for weeks and nothing great has happened in the meantime. But let’s go story by story…. We’ll start about a month ago with Hearts first trail ride.
What better company could you ask for on your first trail ride, than an experienced cross country horse and his rider :) So here we went… our neighbor Peggy on her 23 year old wise guy Snipper and me on my 4 year old baby boy Heart. How funny to just imagine, that Snipper was already 19 when Heart was born. What a huge difference in age! Though you would have not have been able to tell once we got going. Snipper does not look or act his age, nor does Heart.
Once we got out of the woods and on to the field, Heart decided it was time to take the lead. You would have not been able to tell he was excited, if he hadn’t been pooping again and again. With Snipper walking before him Heart walked through his first little stream without much more than a very short stop to have a look at it. He wasn’t too sure of the soggy ground we had to pass through later on, but when Snipper showed him second time around that it was safe, Heart walked through nicely. The second time we came across that part he walked right on through. He just walked right on through anything… through scrubs, over fields, uphill, downhill, over mud trails, over stone trails, and through ditches… well the last one he decided to jump rather then walk. He’s ready to go cross country! No, only joking, but he is certainly going to get there much faster, than I would have ever imagined!
We enjoyed the time out so much and with the sun laughing down at us neither of us four wanted to go back home. Seeing Heart walking around out there like he’s been doing it all his life and loving it, it is simply impossible to believe this guy has ever been a race horse. Somewhere along the way to me he must have been confused with another horse. But whoever he is, I’m keeping him… he’s great! :)