Julie and I were scheduled to drive out to the barn together yesterday. Julie’s lesson that day was canceled, so I jumped at the chance and asked her if she would help me with my first ride on Heart. We got him ready and I fitted the foam I had brought the day before. It has to go underneath the back part of the saddle and bring it up a bit higher. I put Ladys old bridle on Heart. Lady used to be my very first horse. Just like Heart she was a big tall chestnut with a blaze. Unfortunately, looking at the bridle on Hearts head, Ladys head must have been quite a bit bigger. Even with every buckle in the tightest notch, it is too big. I will have to stamp some extra holes into it. But for then it had to do.
All ready we walked out. I lunged him before getting on. Though it was very cold (it had even snowed while driving to the barn) and quite windy Heart stayed cool. He was more eager to walk and run, than he had been the other day, but he stayed calm. So after a while I decided to get up. First try failed. We only have a small step to help us get up and I would have had to pull myself up hard. So I lengthened the stirrups by four holes and tried again. I still had to pull myself up a bit, but Heart didn’t care at all! As soon as I was up, he started walking, but that was all. Julie led us around the arena about four times and then she let us go.
The ground was soaked by the rain and very, very slippery, so I was not planning on trotting, but Heart was such a good boy, that I could not resist. After a couple of rounds of walk around the arena I started trotting him on the long sides. I did not want him having to go around the corner and slipping, since he was not used to close turns either. I had to push him into a trot the first time round, but he got easier with every time I made him go from a walk to a trot. It was a great feeling. He has a very nice trot with some bounce!
Except for concentrating on everything else except for me, he was a very, very good boy!!! :)
such a nice trot! :) |
concentrating on everything except me ;) |